Monday, March 14, 2011

Welcome to Africa 5/03/2011: Chatturat to Phu Khiao 124.96km

After moving the ants that had made my food bag home we got on the road. Russell and Loon didn’t sleep well where as i had a wicked night on the floor.  Moving along Russell let me use his Mp3 player, i never really listen to music while riding, mainly because i don’t have an Mp3 player but i was loving this new activity while riding. Russell’s music is questionable but there are a few classics to choose from. While listening to the ‘Ghostbusters’ theme i spotted an elephant out in the fields. I couldn’t believe my eyes, i joked to Russell about being careful where you camp here because of elephants but never thought i would see one just grazing in a field, it was an amazing sight.
We rode on and by 1pm it was getting hot but the heat was a dry heat, we had cycled out of the humidity and now into this dry heat which is much more bearable. The landscape had also changed dramatically, it was almost the end of the dry season and it reminded me of Australia in many ways, the dry flat land with few hills and farm land but with an elephant thrown in just to make it its own.
We then spotted a huge crocodile from the road, except this wasn’t a real one, it was a massive sculpture i think you could call it and 50 meters away was a huge sculpture of a dog, this was becoming a bit of a strange day, like an African safari we just need a few more animals. We hit our destination for the day but not before Russell felt the need to cycle the last 7 kms flat out and my bike being twice the weight as his i almost had a heart attack to keep up. We found ourselves a nice guesthouse and after i haggled with the stunning receptionist we got the room for 400baht, but it would be another crowded night, Russell and Loon sharing the double bed and myself happily on the floor, better than sharing a bed with either of those two. 

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