Thursday, April 14, 2011

Which ways which 28/03/2011: Kunming city outskirts to Kunming city centre 17.41km

It was yet another cold morning and since there wasn’t any rush to get up i had a sleep in. During breakfast Loon got talking to a couple of sisters who worked for their brother in the restaurant we ate in, they said they were walking into the city and would point us into the direction. They were both quite pretty but neither spoke a word of English which to be honest suited me as i wasn’t in a chatty mood, i could feel a cold coming on.

I and Loon set off and as he had been given the directions i assumed he knew where he was going. As it turned out Loon, as i suspected has no sense of direction, i went with the flow as he can read the street names and had a decent map but checking my map i ripped out of the lonely planet noticing a few signs in normal alphabet i realised he didn’t have the slightest idea and had taken us right across the city passed where we needed to be. I got a bit short with Loon and decided i would navigate. 

We got there no problem after a stop at KFC, Kunming was capitalist China. McDonalds, KFC, Walmart all the capitalist companies i have yet to see in China were here. I have only had KFC once in my entire life and it gave me a really bad stomach ache but here they had real tea and i did splash out on a burger. Unfortunately later in the day my stomach did begin to feel a bit dodgy but held.

The hostel we found was a YHA and as it happens i am a member so got a discount and i had planned to stay two nights but we got a third free. Again we splashed out on a twin room as opposed to a dorm room and it was easily the best room so far in china, the best part was a normal toilet, none of this squat stuff.  

The hostel had a ping pong table in which i thrashed loon, the Chinese need not worry yet however. I gradually began to feel the effects of the upcoming cold so i went to bed. I didn’t feel like eating, my stomach was still feeling like it was going the wrong way so i spent the evening making use of the free internet and watched a movie which was becoming my evening routine. 

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